Saturday, October 17, 2009


forgot all about this blog... think I'll keep posting. about random things. :-) I've just found so many more songs I like -- I'm branching out into every genre except rap, it seems. and hiphop and those things. but I just found a song I like that I think might be metal. I dunno... well, it doens't matter as long as I like it.
schoolwork is just about taking over my life. i can't work on my webcomic, which I really want to do, and I've written on my story exactly twice in the past two months. at least I now have this laptop so I can do my homework faster. but if it's like this in eighth grade what'll it be like in high school, especially if I go to stuy?! I can handle it but I just recently found out how important friends are, and fun times... and cake :-). also it seems like music is becoming really really important -- I can't think of the last day (that wasn't a holiday where I couldn't) that I didn't listen to music. somehow it helps me work. which I like. a lot. at least ela isn't mindless, boring work -- it tends to be the homework that's possible to enjoy, writing stories and such.

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